Sgurr na Stri

Sgurr na Stri

The walk begins with a slog through flat, boggy moorland but once you reach the summit, wading through rivers suddenly becomes worth it. Often described as one of Britain’s finest viewpoints, the final ascent looks across the rough peaks of the Cuillins and down to the bright blue waters of Loch Coruisk.

Start and End Location: Free car park in Sligachan
Start Postcode: IV47 8SW. This postcode is for the centre of Sligachan. From the A863, turn right onto the A87. The car park is a few 100 metres down the road, on the right.
Distance: 23km
Time: Approx. 8-9 hours
Facilities: None
GPX Download: Link below map
Grade: Medium Mountain Walk

Download file: SgurrNaStri.gpx

Go through the wooden gate at the south-east end of the car park and follow the path along the fence, keeping the river on the right.

Continue straight on, following the well-marked path through the moorland of Glen Sligachan. The terrain is often wet and boggy and there are numerous rivers and streams to cross. If the weather has been particularly wet, the Allt na Measarroch river can be knee-deep. Cross carefully, using the large rocks for support. If you have a dog with you, ensure the dog is wearing a harness and you are able to support the dog across the river; the currents can be extremely strong.

Sgurr na Stri walking route
Walking through Glen Sligachan

When the path forks, go right and cross another stream. Eventually the path become rocky and begins to climb, bearing slightly to the right. Deer can often be spotted on this section of the route.

Sgurr na Stri walking route

Keep following the path until Druim Hain, a flat, rocky area is reached. Views stretch down to the Loch and across the mountain range, including Sgurr nan Gillean.

Sgurr na Stri walking route

To reach the summit, bear left and continue on the faintly marked path. There is a small descent before the final climb to the summit.

Sgurr na Stri walking route

From the summit, retrace your steps to the car park.

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