Burnsall, Hebden and Grassington Circuit

Burnsall, Hebden and Grassington Circuit

Showing off Yorkshire’s farming valleys, traditional market towns and Linton Falls waterfall, this leisurely stroll begins at Burnsall Bridge. After visiting Hebden and Grassington, the route returns to Burnsall alongside the River Wharfe.

Start and End Location: Burnsall. There is a car park on the south side of the village and street parking next to the river.
Start Postcode: BD23 6BS
Distance: 11.5km
Time: 3-3.5 hours
Facilities: Public toilets in Burnsall car park and Grassington. Pubs, shops and cafes in Burnsall, Hebden and Grassington
GPX Download: Link below map
Grade: Easy, with one short, steep ascent.

Download file: Burnsall, Hebden, Grassington Circuit.gpx

From Burnsall car park, turn right and follow the river to Burnsall Bridge. Cross the bridge and immediately turn sharp left next to the public footpath sign. Go down the narrow steps and through a wooden gate. Turn right and follow the grassy path alongside the stone wall through two wooden gates.

Burnsall Yorkshire walking directions

After the second wooden gate, turn sharp right and follow the stone wall to the corner of the field. Turn left and walk steeply uphill to the gate, just behind the bench.

Go through the gate, cross the road and through the gate straight ahead. Continue straight on to a stone stile. Cross the stile and, again, continue straight on to cross a stone stile with a small wooden gate. Head diagonally left to a small wooden gate and stone stile.

Cross the stile and follow the direction of the footpath sign to cross another stile on the other side of the field.

Ignore the direction of the footpath sign and continue straight ahead to a wooden farming gate and ladder stile.

Go over the stile and turn sharp left. Follow the fence line, with stunning views across the valley.

Burnsall Yorkshire walking directions

Cross the stile and turn sharp right, following the dry stone wall to another stone stile. Cross the stile and turn left, following the direction of the public footpath sign.

Burnsall Yorkshire walking directions

Continue alongside the dry stone wall to a metal farming gate.

Go through the gate and follow the grassy track, which eventually bears right. Go through the farming gates to the road, with a farm house directly ahead.

Burnsall Yorkshire walking directions

Cross the road and continue between the farm buildings to the metal gate straight ahead. Continue straight on to reach the far right hand corner of the field. Go through the gap in the wall and turn left to climb over the stone stile.

Turn right and follow the gravel track. Just before the track reaches a gate, take the footpath on the left, which soon becomes well defined with stone slabs. Cross the bridge.

Burnsall Yorkshire walking directions

Follow the grassy path through the wooden kissing gate, between the trees and bear left, keeping the river on the right. Go through the small wooden gate and continue on the now tarmac track to the metal kissing gate.

Go through the gate, turn right and follow the road to the junction. Cross the road and turn left. Continue past the Claredon pub and the coach car park. Ignore the first wooden public footpath sign and turn right at the second, signed for Grassington via High Lane.

Continue straight on, following the path through two small wooden gates. The path eventually goes through a narrow gap in a stone wall, next to a four-way sign post. Take the path to Grassington. Continue straight ahead, following the path across a road and over stone stiles.

Burnsall Yorkshire walking directions

The grassy path eventually merges with a track, joining from the left.

Burnsall Yorkshire walking directions

Follow the track for a few metres and then continue straight on to a wooden public footpath sign. Bear right and follow the direction of the sign to a wooden gate and stile. Go over the stile and continue on the bridleway, which eventually reaches a tarmac road. Turn right and take the second left, down Main Street through the centre of Grassington village.

Turn left at the junction and follow the road past the National Trust car pack. Turn right down Sedber Lane, taking the tarmac footpath on the right, next to the stone wall.

Cross the bridge, next to the impressive Linton Falls.

Burnsall Yorkshire walking directions

Turn right and then left to reach Church Road. Turn left and continue along Church Road, past the car parking area and toilet block.

As the road begins to bear left, take the gravel road on the right.

Continue straight on and follow the grassy track uphill. Ignore the gate on the right and continue uphill, through the gate and across the field towards the stone barn.

Go through the narrow wooden gate in front of the barn and continue along the grassy track, which passes through wooden gates and gaps in the wall before bearing right to the road.

Burnsall Yorkshire walking directions

Turn left and follow the quiet road for just over half a mile. Turn left through the wooden gate at the footpath sign for BW Hebden. Continue on the grassy track through wooden gates to reach the river. Turn right and follow the riverside path back to Burnsall Bridge.

Burnsall Yorkshire walking directions

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