Haystacks and Fleetwith Pike

Haystacks and Fleetwith Pike

The remote summit of Haystacks feels like you’ve accidently wandered on to another planet. With deep green moorland, jagged exposed rocks, isolated tarns and hidden hollows, you'll almost forget that you’re walking at 1,700ft. If you need any further convincing; Haystacks was Wainwright’s favourite fell.

Start and End Location: Parking at Gatesgarth
Start Postcode: Approximately CA13 9XA. This postcode takes you just outside Buttermere. Continue along the B5289 to reach Gatesgarth
Distance: 10.5km
Time: 4.5-5 hours
Facilities: None
GPX Download: Link below map
Grade: Medium Mountain Walk with a few mild scrambles.

Download file: HaystacksFleetwithPike.gpx

From the carpark, cross the road and go through the wooden gates to join a wide gravel track.

The track continues between farming fields to reach a large wooden gate. Go through the gate and continue straight ahead to climb alongside the trees. The path bears left and follows a low stone wall. At Scarth Gap the path widens and bears left. Follow the faintly marked path across rocky terrain.

When the footpath reaches a flat, grassy area, turn left and follow the stone steps upwards. The path soon gives way to large rocks. There is no set route here; look for footholds and scramble upwards to the summit. To the left, there are wonderful views across Buttermere Lake.

Haystacks and Fleetwith Pike

From the summit, turn right and, after scrambling down a few small boulders, the path becomes more evident. Continue following the path to Innominate Tarn and then on Blackbeck Tarn. The landscape in this section of the walk is surreal.

Haystacks and Fleetwith Pike

Follow the path around the northern shore of Blackbeck Tarn and continue as the path hugs the edge of the mountain. Turn right at the fork and continue straight on to reach the river.

Cross the river and here you have a choice; turn left follow the path alongside the river bank to Gatesgarth car park or turn right to loop around Fleetwith Pike.

To continue to Fleetwith Pike, take the right hand path, which soon merges with a larger gravel track (there is small stone hut, called Dubs hut, on a higher path to the left). Continue on the gravel track until reaching a small stone bridge. Turn left and cut across the grass to another gravel road. Turn right and follow the track to the junction at Bell Crags. Turn left and continue straight ahead to climb to Fleetwith Pike summit.

From Fleetwith Pike, you are aiming to reach Dubs hut; there is a faint path approximately 8-10 metres from the summit cairn.

From Dubs hut, follow the wide gravel track back down to the river. Without crossing the river, take the right hand path and follow it downhill, keeping the river on the left. The path steadily bears right, moves away from the river and zigzags steeply downhill, giving great views of Buttermere and Crummock water.

Haystacks and Fleetwith Pike

Turn left when the path reaches the road and return to the car park.

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