Helvellyn from Thirlmere

Helvellyn from Thirlmere

Approaching Helvellyn from Thirlmere is more straight forward than climbing Striding Edge and it's one of my favourite winter hikes. The circular route offers spectacular views across Thirlmere, Raven Crag and the north west fells.

While the navigation and climb aren't too demanding, this route shouldn’t be underestimated in winter months; there is often plenty of snow on the summit and the descent from Grisedale Tarn can be incredibly icy.

Start and End Location: Swirls Car Park
Start Postcode: CA12 4TW, approx. Approaching from the north, continue south on the A591. After passing a pay-and-display parking area on the right, the road bends left and Swirls car park entrance is on the left hand side.
Distance: 15km
Time: 5-5.5 hours
Facilities: Toilets in the car park
GPX Download: Link below map
Grade: Medium Mountain Walk

Download file: HelvellynThirlmere.gpx

Cross the footbridge in the far left hand corner of the car park. Follow the two footpath signs to Helvellyn. The well defined rocky path climbs towards the summit, with stunning views across Thirlmere and the surrounding fells.

Helvellyn from Thirlmere Circuit walking directions lake district

The path levels out and bears right to the summit trig point. Striding Edge, Red Tarn and Swirral Edge are all visible on a clear day.

Helvellyn from Thirlmere Circuit walking directions lake district
Helvellyn from Thirlmere Circuit walking directions lake district

From the summit, continue following the path along the ridge. The path bears right and descends south. At the fork, continue straight ahead (the fainter left hand path climbs to Nethermost Pike if you are bagging Wainwrights).

The path continues just below High Crag and then bears south-east towards Grisedale Tarn.

Helvellyn from Thirlmere Circuit walking directions lake district

The fairly steep path zigzags down to the north-west shore of Grisedale Tarn. At the junction, turn sharp right, keeping the tarn on the left. The path follows the shoreline before bearing right towards metal posts.

Helvellyn from Thirlmere Circuit walking directions lake district

Continue straight on. The rocky path runs next to a stream and descends towards Dunmail Raise.

Helvellyn from Thirlmere Circuit walking directions lake district

Eventually, the path reaches the road and a wooden ladder stile. Do not cross the stile. Instead, turn sharp right and follow the grassy path to a wooden kissing gate. Go through the gate and follow the direction of the public footpath sign, bearing right toward the river. Carefully cross the river using the many stepping stones and continue straight on.

Keeping the stone wall on the left, follow the footpath across the fields.

Helvellyn from Thirlmere Circuit walking directions lake district

The path approaches a dry stone wall and then turns right to cross a wooden bridge. Go through the wooden gate and turn right to follow the gravel track through the woods.

Thirlmere soon comes into view and the track continues to Swirls Car Park.

Helvellyn from Thirlmere Circuit walking directions lake district

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