Buttermere Lake Circuit

Buttermere Lake Circuit

This loop around Buttermere lake is the perfect afternoon stroll. The route climbs through Burtness woods before following a shoreline path towards Haystacks and around the eastern side of the lake.

Start and End Location: Car park behind the Bridge Hotel in Buttermere. Approaching Buttermere from the north on the B5289, turn sharp right at the Bridge Hotel and take the first right to the car park.
Start Postcode: CA13 9XA approx.
Distance: 7km
Time: 2 hours
Facilities: Toilets in the car park. Pubs and cafes in Buttermere
GPX Download: Link below map
Grade: Easy

Download file: Buttermere Circuit.gpx

Follow the road back out of the car park and turn right. Take the left hand track next to The Fish Inn and go through the wooden gate. Continue on the gravel track to another wooden gate, ignoring the right hand fork.

Go through the gate and turn right. Cross the bridge, bear left and cross a second bridge. Go through the wooden gate and continue straight ahead on the rocky path climbing into the woods. After a few metres, take the first left hand path. The path levels out and climbs through the woods a few metres above the shoreline path.

Buttermere Lake Circuit walk directions

Ignore any paths merging from the sides and continue straight on. The path eventually begins to descend and reaches a wooden gate, with Fleetwith Pike looming ahead.

Buttermere Lake Circuit walk directions

Go through the gate and follow the grassy path through the bracken. When the path merges with the gravel shoreline path, turn right and continue on the main track.

Buttermere Lake Circuit walk directions

At the south edge of the lake, the path reaches a junction. Turn left and go through the gate (the right hand path leads to Haystacks and Fleetwith Pike).

Follow the track to the road. Turn left and continue along the road for approximately half a mile. As the road begins to bend left around the lake, take the left hand shoreline path.

Buttermere Lake Circuit walk directions

The well defined path continues through a series of gates and follows the edge of the lake.

The path eventually leads into the woods and through a short, but fairly dark tunnel.

Buttermere Lake Circuit walk directions

As the path approaches the northern tip of the lake, take the right hand fork. The narrow, rocky footpath moves away from the lake and runs alongside a fence to another wooden gate.

Buttermere Lake Circuit walk directions

Go through the gate and turn left. Continue between the farm buildings and past the café to reach the road.

Buttermere Lake Circuit walk directions

Turn left and follow the road back to the Bridge Hotel and car park.

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