High Street from Mardale Head

High Street from Mardale Head

Beginning on the shores of Haweswater Reservoir, this is one of my favourite hiking routes. The views are outstanding, stretching from Windermere and the Langdale Pikes to Helvellyn and the Skiddaw range.

Start and End Location: Mardale Head car park, at the southern end of Haweswater.
Start Postcode: CA10 2RP, approx. Continue following the road around the reservoir, past the Haweswater Hotel. The road ends at the car park.
Distance: 11.5km
Time: 4-4.5 hours
Facilities: None
GPX Download: Link below map
Grade: Medium Mountain walk with a few steep, rocky sections.

Download file: High Street.gpx

Go through the wooden gate at the far corner of the car park, just to the left of the noticeboard. The footpath soon splits; take the middle, less-defined path, heading south-west. The path soon becomes more defined and gradually climbs, with stunning views back across Haweswater.

High Street, Lake District Walking directions

Continue through the gate and climb alongside the stream to the edge of Small Water.

Turn right and use the stepping stones to cross the edge of the tarn.

High Street, Lake District Walking directions

Bear left and continue alongside the tarn.

High Street, Lake District Walking directions

The path gradually moves away from the tarn and climbs to Nan Bield Pass, marked with a stone wind shelter. The views back across Small Water and Haweswater are spectacular.

High Street, Lake District Walking directions

From Nan Bield Pass turn right, with great views of Kentmere Reservoir and Ill Bell summit to the left.

High Street, Lake District Walking directions

After approximately 400ft, take the right-hand path and climb to Mardale Ill Bell, marked with a low stone cairn.

High Street, Lake District Walking directions

From the summit, continue straight ahead. Keep right at the fork and follow the path to gradually bear right and climb to a dry-stone wall.

Turn right and follow the stone wall to High Street summit, marked with an OS trip point.

High Street, Lake District Walking directions

From the summit, turn sharp left to go through a gap in the dry-stone wall and then immediately right to follow the wide ridge path, with great views across the Langdale Pikes and Helvellyn range.

High Street, Lake District Walking directions

After descending for a few hundred metres, the path begins to climb again. Turn right and follow the path through a gap in the dry-stone wall. Continue straight ahead. The path gradually bears right to reach Kidsty Howes.

High Street, Lake District Walking directions

Keeping Kidsty Howes to the right, follow the wide ridge. Eventually the path begins to steeply climb down across rocky terrain. After a few mild scrambles, the path becomes easier and continues across a field towards Haweswater shore.

High Street, Lake District Walking directions

Turn right to cross the wooden bridge and follow the well-defined path, ignoring the left hand shoreline path. Go through the wooden gates, with Haweswater on the left.

High Street, Lake District Walking directions

Ignore any paths merging from the side and continue straight on.

The path bears right and follows the reservoir shore, with the car park coming into view on the far left.

High Street, Lake District Walking directions

At the end of the reservoir, turn left and follow the path through the gates and across the bridge.

Join the initial path and turn left to return to the car park.

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