Mam Tor via Winnats Pass

Mam Tor via Winnats Pass

The route begins with a short climb around Winnats Pass, a dramatic limestone valley created by a collapsed cave system. After a steep descent, the path leads towards Mam Tor summit, with captivating views across Kinder Scout and the Eden Valley.

Start and End Location: Mam Nick Car Park on Sparrowpit Buxton A623.A6
Start Postcode: S33 8WA
Distance: 6.5km, with an optional extra 3.5km
Time: 2-3 hours
Facilities: Toilets and cafes on route
GPX Download: Link below map
Grade: Easy/Medium Mountain Walk with one steep descent.

Download file: MamTorWinnatsPass.gpx

From the car park entrance, cross the road, turn left and follow the road for a few hundred metres. After a parking lay-by, there is a wooden footpath sign next to a wooden gate. Go through the gate and follow the path for a few metres. Just before the footpath reaches the quarry pit, bear left and cross the field to a small wooden gate in the stone wall.

Go through the gate, cross the road and through another wooden gate.

Follow the path in a south-east direction toward Winnats Head Farm. After passing the back of the farm, turn right and continue across the field to a wooden gate.

Go through the gate and cross the road below the cattle grid. Take the grassy path up the steep bank and continue to a stone wall.

Mam Tor via Winnats Pass Peak District walking route

Bear left, keeping the wall on your right right and continue on the now flat path, with incredible views down to Winnats Pass. If you look carefully, you’ll see small caves still visible in the limestone cliffs on the opposite bank.

Mam Tor via Winnats Pass Peak District walking route

The path follows the natural curve of the pass and bears around to the left before making a sharp left down a steep bank, with mild scrambles, towards the road and Speedwell Cavern.

From Speedwell Cavern, cross the road and take the narrow path to the left of the buildings; there is a metal stile at the start of the path. Cross the stile, go through the small wooden gate and follow the path as it bears left. Continue up the steps, past Treak Cliff Cavern and on to Blue John Cavern. From Blue John's, turn right and follow the track to reach the road. Turn right at the road and continue for a few 100 metres. Where the road ends, go through the wooden gate on the left and follow the tarmac path.

Various footpaths soon appear on the left, diagonally crossing the hillside. Take any of these paths and continue uphill to reach Hollins Cross.

Mam Tor via Winnats Pass Peak District walking route

From Hollins Cross, you can turn left to reach Mam Tor summit. However, I would recommend turning right and following the well marked, paved path along the ridge to Loose Hill, adding 3.5km to the route.

Mam Tor via Winnats Pass Peak District walking route

From Loose Hill, retrace your steps back to Hollins Cross and continue on the wide paved path to Mam Tor.

Mam Tor via Winnats Pass Peak District walking route

From Mam Tor summit, continue along the paved footpath as it bears right and continues downhill to Mam Nick Car Park.

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