Old Man of Coniston Circuit

Old Man of Coniston Circuit

The circular route along Walna Scar road passes below Dow Crag cliffs and around Goat’s Water. This section of the path is quieter and more scenic than the standard linear walk to Old Man of Coniston along the old quarry track.

Start and End Location: Walna Scar Car Park
Start Postcode: LA21 8HD
Distance: 8km
Time: 3-4 hours
Facilities: None on route but there are public toilets next to the Tourist Information Centre in Coniston
GPX Download: Link below map
Grade: Medium Mountain Walk

Download file: Old Man of Coniston Circuit.gpx

From Walna Scar car park, take the path straight ahead, continuing in the direction of the road. The wide gravel path heads south-west, with views down to Coniston Water on the left.

Old Man of Coniston Circuit via Walna Scar walking directions

After bearing right, the path narrows and climbs over rocky terrain.

As the track widens again and begins to level out, turn sharp right and take the footpath to climb through the bracken. The footpath is marked by a waymarker on a knee-high wooden pillar.

The footpath soon becomes more defined with stone slabs and continues uphill.

Old Man of Coniston Circuit via Walna Scar walking directions

The path levels out as a disused quarry appears on the right-hand hillside.

Old Man of Coniston Circuit via Walna Scar walking directions

Continue straight ahead. The path climbs, weaving through rocky terrain. The main pathway is easy to miss here; keep left at any forks and keep looking back to ensure you haven’t missed a left turn.

The path soon becomes more defined and continues down to the shore of Goat’s Water.

Old Man of Coniston Circuit via Walna Scar walking directions

Follow the rocky path around the right side of the tarn. Just before reaching the end of the tarn, take the path on the right, heading north and climb up the hillside.

Turn right and then right again at the fork. The wide path climbs to reach a T-Junction. Turn right and continue along the ridge to the summit of the Old Man of Coniston.

Old Man of Coniston Circuit via Walna Scar walking directions

From the summit, continue straight ahead and then bear left to take the well defined footpath down to Low Water. Ignore any paths joining from the right. Zigzag downhill.

Old Man of Coniston Circuit via Walna Scar walking directions

At the edge of Low Water, turn right and continue to reach the disused quarry buildings.

Old Man of Coniston Circuit via Walna Scar walking directions

Keeping the buildings on the left, follow the path as it bears right downhill, with Coniston Water coming into view.

Old Man of Coniston Circuit via Walna Scar walking directions

At the junction, turn right and follow the wide gravel track back to Walna Scar car park.

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