The Dodds and Clough Head via Sticks Pass

The Dodds and Clough Head via Sticks Pass

Stybarrow Dodd, Watson’s Dodd and Great Dodd are just north of Helvellyn. This route climbs to Sticks Pass and follows a relatively quiet path, with far-reaching views across Skiddaw, Derwent Water and Thirlmere.

Start and End Location: Thirlmere Recreation Hall Car Park
Start Postcode: CA12 4TJ, approx. only. From the north, turn left off the A591 onto B5322 and then right at Stanah Lane.
Distance: 17km
Time: 5-6 hours
Facilities: The Lodge in the Vale café, approx. 100 metres from the car park.
GPX Download: Link below map
Grade: Medium Mountain Walk, with good navigation skills required.

Download file: Dodds and Clough Head.gpx

From the car park, turn right and follow the farming track uphill. When the track bends left, continue straight ahead to climb across the stile.

The grassy path gradually bears right to reach a wooden gate in the far-right hand corner of the field. Go through the gate, turn left and follow the path to another wooden gate. Go through the gate and climb to the public footpath signpost.

The Dodds and Clough Head via Sticks Pass walking route

Ignore the direction of the signpost and take the left-hand path to continue straight ahead. The faint footpath climbs steeply, with Stanah Gill to the left and great views back across the northern fells.

The Dodds and Clough Head via Sticks Pass walking route

The path levels out and reaches a stone sheepfold. Continue straight ahead, gradually climbing to reach Sticks Pass.

The Dodds and Clough Head via Sticks Pass walking route
The Dodds and Clough Head via Sticks Pass walking route

Take the left-hand path to Stybarrow Dodd summit.

The Dodds and Clough Head via Sticks Pass walking route

From the summit, bear left. At the junction, continue straight ahead to reach Watson’s Dodd summit.

From Watson’s Dodd, turn right. The path drops down and soon merges with a wider footpath to climb to Great Dodd.

From Great Dodd summit, turn left. The path is very faint here. Head south-west and after a few metres, the path becomes more defined. If the weather is clear, the path can be seen ahead, bearing right across the hillside.

The Dodds and Clough Head via Sticks Pass walking route

Turn left at the fork and head straight for Calfhow Pike's rocky summit. Take the right-hand, narrow path next to the fence line.

The Dodds and Clough Head via Sticks Pass walking route

Bear right and follow the wide, grassy path to reach Clough Head, marked with a Trig Point.

The Dodds and Clough Head via Sticks Pass walking route

Continue on the grassy track, which gradually drops down towards White Pike, a rocky mount directly ahead.

The Dodds and Clough Head via Sticks Pass walking route

Bear left at White Pike and follow the faint path around the edge of the rocks. The boggy path drops down to the Old Coach Road. Go through the metal farming gate and turn left. Follow the rocky, and often very eroded track.

The Dodds and Clough Head via Sticks Pass walking route

Continue past the disused quarry. Continue straight ahead at the crossroad.

The Dodds and Clough Head via Sticks Pass walking route

The track eventually reaches a large wooden gate. Go through the gate and immediately take the left hand track into the woods.  At the T junction, turn right to join the more defined, gravel track.

The Dodds and Clough Head via Sticks Pass walking route

Continue straight ahead, ignoring any paths merging from the sides, to reach the road. Turn left and follow the quiet road to return to the car parking area.


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