Five of the Best Walks in Skye

Five of the Best Walks in Skye

The Cuillin mountain range, coastal walks to tidal islands and mysterious rock formations makes Skye a hikers' playground. These five walks show off Skye's dramatic and diverse landscape.

Blà Bheinn

If you’ve got one, good clear day while you’re visiting the Isle of Skye, this is the walk to do. The views are spectacular, stretching across the Cuillin mountains, Glen Sligachan and down to the coast. The linear route climbs past waterfalls, lakes and crosses a loose scree to reach the summit cairn. Full Route info, including GPX file…

The Quiraing

The Quiraing walking route

The Quiraing are otherworldly. Jagged rock pillars jut out of the moorland at odd angles and the majestic views are as far reaching as the Outer Hebrides. This circular walk weaves through the base of the Quiraing and returns across the top of the cliffs, passing the infamous Needle and Prison rock formations. Full Route info, including GPX file…

Sgurr na Stri

Sgurr na Stri walking route

This linear walk begins with a slog through flat, boggy moorland but once you reach the summit, wadding through rivers suddenly becomes worth it. Often described as one of Britain’s finest viewpoints, the final ascent looks across the rough peaks of the Cuillins and down to the bright blue waters of Loch Coruisk. Full Route info, including GPX file…

Oronsay Island, Ullinish

Oronsay Island, Ullinish walking route

There are many uninhabited, tidal islands off the coast of Skye. When the tide is low, a secluded beach emerges between Oronsay and Ullinish and the causeway can be crossed to reach the cliff edges. The walk offers breath-taking views across Loch Bracadale and the island's coastline. Full Route info, including GPX file…

The old Man of Storr

The Old Man of Storr

The Old Man of Storr has become symbolic with the Isle of Skye. This route is often busy but the distinctive landscape justifies why the Storr is on everyone’s Skye itinerary. Full Route info,

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