Great Gable from Seathwaite

Great Gable from Seathwaite

Great Gable is quite rightly one of the most iconic fells in the Lake District. The summit boasts spectacular, panoramic views of Wast Water, Crummock Water, Buttermere and Haystacks. The mountain is also home to one of the Lakes most well-known remembrance services – on Remembrance Sunday, the Fell and Rock Climbing Club hold a service to honour all those who have perished in wars around the world.

Start and End Location: Layby parking just before the entrance to Seathwaite Farm
Start Postcode: CA12 5XJ, approx. only.
Distance: 8.5km
Time: 4-5 hours
Facilities: Toilets in Seathwaite Farm camp site
GPX Download: Link below map
Grade: Hard Mountain walk, with a few mild scrambles

Download file: Great Gable.gpx

From the parking layby, follow the road to reach Seathwaite Farm.

Continue straight ahead between the farm buildings and, about half way along, turn right through the metal farming gate. Follow the narrow track towards the river.

Great Gable from Seathwaite walking route

Cross the footbridge and continue on the stone path, keeping the wall to the left.

Use the ladder stile to cross the wall.

Great Gable from Seathwaite walking route

Follow the Seathwaite stone slabs to climb alongside Sour Milk Gill. There are a few mild scrambles along the way.

Great Gable from Seathwaite walking route
Great Gable from Seathwaite walking route

The path bears left to run alongside a stone wall, with Base Brown directly ahead. Turn right through the wooden gate, with great views back across Seathwaite valley.

Great Gable from Seathwaite walking route

The path continues north west to reach Sour Milk Gill waterfall.

Great Gable from Seathwaite walking route

Follow the footpath to bear left and climb through the valley of Gillercomb, towards Green Gable.

Great Gable from Seathwaite walking route
Looking back at Gillercomb valley

Turn right at the junction and follow the rocky path, marked with cairns, to the summit of Green Gable. From the summit, the views stretch along Buttermere and Crummock Water.

Great Gable from Seathwaite walking route

Continue on the rocky, and often slippery, path to descend to Windy Gap. At the junction, go straight ahead on the well-marked path to climb Great Gable.

Great Gable from Seathwaite walking route
Great Gable from Seathwaite walking route

The footpath soon reaches large rocks; continue, scrambling upwards.

The path becomes clearer and eventually bears left to cross a boulder field to reach the summit.

Great Gable from Seathwaite walking route
Great Gable from Seathwaite walking route
Great Gable from Seathwaite walking route

From the summit, head south east, following the rocky footpath to Sty Head, with great views of Great End and the Scafell range in the distance.

Great Gable from Seathwaite walking route

Turn left at the junction and, keeping Styhead Tarn on the left, follow the path to reach the footbridge.

Cross the bridge, turn left and continue down the valley, following Styhead Gill.

Great Gable from Seathwaite walking route

The path bends to the left just below Greenhow Knott. Continue on the stone steps to go through the wooden gates and across Stockley Bridge.

Great Gable from Seathwaite walking route

The footpath follows the gill to return to Seathwaite and the parking area.

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