Loweswater Circuit

Loweswater Circuit

The majority of the walk follows a shoreline trail around Loweswater, with stunning views of the surrounding fells, including Black Crag, Mellbreak and Carling Knott. Keep a look out for red squirrels and deer.

Start and End Location: Lay-by parking next to a phone box, just past the Grange Country House, Loweswater.
Start Postcode: CA13 0SU, approx.
Distance: 6.4 km
Time: 1.5 hours
Facilities: None
GPX Download: Link below map
Grade: Easy

Download file: Loweswater Circuit.gpx

From the parking lay-by, take the public footpath to Holme Wood. The well defined trail runs alongside a small stream before bearing right through a wooden gate. The footpath crosses a bridge and continues uphill to a wooden farming gate. Go through the gate and continue straight ahead, joining the road. Follow the road as it bears left uphill. When the road ends, take the gate on the left, marked with a stone footpath sign. Follow the rocky track downhill. The lake soon comes into view.

Loweswater Circuit walking route

The path leads through a gate and into the woods, with the lake on the left. Ignore any footpaths merging from the sides. The track eventually crosses a wooden bridge. Continue straight on, with great views across the fells.

Loweswater Circuit walking route
Loweswater Circuit walking route

At the south end of the lake, go through the wooden gate and bear left, following a faint footpath across the stream. Join the wide farming track and turn left. Follow this track through a series of gates to reach a small car park.

Loweswater Circuit walking route

Bear right out of the car park and follow the road to the junction. Turn left and continue along the road for just over half a mile. After passing a stone barn on the right, the road begins to climb. When the farming fence ends on the left, take the very faint, rocky path on the left hand side, down to the lake.

Loweswater Circuit walking route

Turn right and follow the rocky path, which becomes more defined, for approximately half a mile. When the path ends at a dry stone wall, turn sharp right and take the faint, steep path back to the road.

Turn left and follow the road to the parking lay-by, with stunning views back across Loweswater.

Loweswater Circuit walking route

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