Pen yr Ole Wen, Carnedd Dafydd and Carnedd Llywelyn from Llyn Ogwen

Pen yr Ole Wen, Carnedd Dafydd and Carnedd Llywelyn from Llyn Ogwen

Starting at the east side of Llyn Ogwen, this route climbs the three highest mountains in the Carneddau range. With brilliant views of Tryfan, an exciting scramble to Pen yr Ole Wen and fantastic ridge paths, this is one of my favourite routes in Snowdonia.

Start and End Location: Lay-by parking alongside the A5 at the east side of Llyn Ogwen.
Start Postcode: LL24 0EU, approx. only
Distance: 14.2km
Time: 5-6 hours
Facilities: Public toilets next to the Ogwen Partnership Centre at the west side of Llyn Ogwen.
GPX Download: Link below map
Grade: Hard Mountain Walk, with a few short scrambles


At the east edge of Llyn Ogwen, head north on the road to Glan Dena. Continue over the wooden ladder stile and follow the wide gravel track.

When the track bears left, continue straight ahead on the stone path, marked with a National Trust pole.

Pen yr Ole Wen, Carnedd Dafydd and Carnedd Llywelyn from Llyn Ogwen hike Walking directions

The path runs alongside Afon Lloer and crosses the river once. Use the ladder stile to cross the drystone wall and continue north, following the stream.

Pen yr Ole Wen, Carnedd Dafydd and Carnedd Llywelyn from Llyn Ogwen hike Walking directions

The path gradually bears left, away from the stream. At the fork, go left and scramble up across the rocks. There are a few narrow gullies to climb – if you have a dog with you, it will probably need a ‘boost’ to reach the top.

Pen yr Ole Wen, Carnedd Dafydd and Carnedd Llywelyn from Llyn Ogwen hike Walking directions

The path reappears, with great views of Tryfan and the lake to the left.

Pen yr Ole Wen, Carnedd Dafydd and Carnedd Llywelyn from Llyn Ogwen hike Walking directions

Follow the well-defined footpath to reach the summit of Pen yr Ole Wen, which is marked with a small cairn.

Pen yr Ole Wen, Carnedd Dafydd and Carnedd Llywelyn from Llyn Ogwen hike Walking directions
Pen yr Ole Wen, Carnedd Dafydd and Carnedd Llywelyn from Llyn Ogwen hike Walking directions

Continue straight ahead and then bear right along the ridge to Carnedd Dafydd.

Pen yr Ole Wen, Carnedd Dafydd and Carnedd Llywelyn from Llyn Ogwen hike Walking directions

The path, often very faint, heads east and runs along Cefn Ysgolion Duon ridge and Bwlch Cyfryw.

Pen yr Ole Wen, Carnedd Dafydd and Carnedd Llywelyn from Llyn Ogwen hike Walking directions

Zigzag along the loose scree path to reach Carnedd Llewelyn summit, which is marked with a cairn and stone shelter.

From the summit, head south-east. The path is very clear and crosses the moorland before narrowing to follow the ridge.

Pen yr Ole Wen, Carnedd Dafydd and Carnedd Llywelyn from Llyn Ogwen hike Walking directions

Scramble down the rocks; the route slightly left of centre is the most straightforward.

Pen yr Ole Wen, Carnedd Dafydd and Carnedd Llywelyn from Llyn Ogwen hike Walking directions
Looking back at the scramble down.

At the junction, take the steep, right hand path down to Ffynnon Llugwy Reservoir.

Pen yr Ole Wen, Carnedd Dafydd and Carnedd Llywelyn from Llyn Ogwen hike Walking directions

The path runs alongside the reservoir and crosses a small bog before reaching the road.

Pen yr Ole Wen, Carnedd Dafydd and Carnedd Llywelyn from Llyn Ogwen hike Walking directions

Turn left and follow the quiet farming road back to the A5.

Pen yr Ole Wen, Carnedd Dafydd and Carnedd Llywelyn from Llyn Ogwen hike Walking directions

Cross the A5, turn right and continue along the road to return to the car parking area.

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